Thursday, August 21, 2014

More Than a Bumblebee, More Than an Ant

I’ve been busy cleaning and writing. The cleaning part is because we are moving houses, but staying in town. Our realtor wants the house to look empty, not staged, so I have been trying to keep the house apparently pristine while we really cook, poop, shower and do laundry here. This would probably be tough to do on its own, but I am doing it with a toddler and a 7 month baby who just decided to go mobile on us. It’s been a challenge.

The writing is in preparation for a new blog we are planning. It’s a classic mommy blog, except I'm a daddy so the classic complaints about normal housewife stuff gets the male perspective, and in my voice which might be entertaining to some audiences. The idea is to actively pursue site hits, meaning social media presence, communication with other blogs, and hopefully, product reviews and advertisements because let’s face it, I am a sellout. Except I haven’t sold anything yet. I’m an aspiring sellout, the lowest of the low, but while my former classmates snub their noses in my general direction for failing to live up to my literary potential, I will be drawing checks. Hopefully. My recent writing is an attempt to build a backlog of posts so I have time to work on improving new posts, and have some padding for unforeseen events that could keep me away from the word processor.

This does not mean that I have given up my ambitions in fiction. I still want to finish First Monday, but lying is really hard so that is coming along very slowly and lately, not at all. Telling the truth in a fun way is a lot easier, so I can create more content in a shorter time. I will definitely link to the new blog if it ever gets off the ground.

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